iPhone Vs Android

AT&T has the iPhone and until just recently the smart phone Goliath was king of the castle. Back in late October, Verizon Wireless unleashed the Motorola Droid, a device that runs on the android platform. Another Android phone gaining a great deal of hype is the Nexus One by Google. Apple actually went after Google with a patent lawsuit. It’s no secret that Apple’s Steve Jobs and Google CEO Eric Schmidt aren’t very fond of one another. The Google CEO was asked to step down from the Apple Board and an Anti-trust investigation was started. Schmidt said he wanted to “Kill the iPhone” and Jobs to offense to that saying something along the lines of,

“We didn’t enter the search game, they entered the phone game so they clearly want to kill the iPhone.”

So the war of words had begun. The Google Nexus One is already available on the T-Mobile and AT&T networks and will be available for the Verizon network in the second quarter of 2010. With Apple being the first player in the touch screen mobile device arena there hasn’t been a worthy adversary until now.

The new Android platform is growing by leaping and bounds everyday and many mobile app developers are creating iPhone apps but also latching on to the android platform. One of the drawbacks to the Android platform early on was that the Apple App Store dwarfed that of Android but over the recent months more and more Android apps are becoming available and Android is actually taking a decent portion of the market back from Apple.

Here are some comparisons between the technologies.


Operating system: Android OS that uses a modified version of Linux kernel. Originally developed by Android, Inc. and recently purchased by Google; Allows developers to write managed code in Java.; Allows users to multi-task.

Phones available on the Android platform: Motorola droid, HTC Nexus One, HTC Eris, HTC Hero,HTC Tattoo, MyTouch 3G, LG Eve just to name a few.


Operating system: iPhone OS-Derived from the Mac OS X, shares the Darwin foundation. The OS has four abstraction layers, the core OS layer, the core services layer, the media layer and the cocoa touch layer. The OS uses less than500 MB of the device’s memory. Unable to multi-task.

Phones available on the iPhone platform: Apple iPhone

From just looking at these stats, I think the Android Platform is going to be the next big thing with smart phones. The iPhone just seems so locked up and controlled. I know you can “jailbreak” the iPhone but who wants to do that to their device? I really like the Nexus One, it has a sleek design and has the ability to multi-task. I know the apps aren’t to level of the iPhone just yet, but give them time and I’m sure they will be more than worthy in a year or so.

Source by Kyle Michael