
The 36th Street Committee Strengthening Union Through Re-Union

The former decision made by the City of Chicago to destroy Stateway Gardens, Robert Taylor and Ida B. Wells Homes; as well as many others, was supposedly a progressive and positive restructuring for residents and Chicago at large. Instead this destruction disrupted and separated thousands of families, friends and neighborhood communities, causing pain through loss, desperation and confusion for all involved. Perhaps living conditions improved for most; for the best part but many suffered heart break, anxiety, confusion and frustration as the result of this so called progressive upgrade.

October 16, 2010 at The Taste Banquet Hall on 63rd and Lowe Street in Chicago, their 3rd. Steppers Set was held by The 36th Street Committee, for families, friends & associates to unite in happiness, dancing, joy and laughter; from 8:00pm. Through 2:00am.

This major effort to re-unite former friends, families and associates was given birth by the 36th Street Committee, a group of 15 former residents of Stateway Gardens and surrounding homes, who have held to date 15 years of reunions for this community.

As a guest of Floyd (Spanky) and Otis (O); very good friends of mine, I personally witness and took part in this wonderful celebration. People mingled, laughed, exchanged data, stepped, danced and rejoiced to be once again together. I look forward to attending the next event. It was fantastic. Security police were available, however their presence seemed unnecessary because everything transpired without a hitch.

The last Saturday in August every year the 36th Street Committee holds a reunion and the Steppers Set is celebrated twice yearly in support of the Re-union. The concept is simple; “Bring people back together in a happy setting.” These celebrated events are well calculated, orchestrated and wonderful to be part of.

I advise my readers to keep your eyes & ears open for the next one. I tip my hat to the members of the 36th Street Committee for their job, which was very well done.

Source by Shirley Marie Johnson