
Decorative Mosaic

From earlier times, people try to improve their way of life which includes their habitats, their homes.

Mosaic is one of the decorative arts used to create images from small pieces of different materials. It’s used for interior or exterior places. To create a pattern, a picture, a medallion, a frame, there are used tesserae, as these small pieces are called.

Most of these mosaic works have been lost, but there are marvelous pieces that survived the history. We can find these all over the world: from Mesopotamia to Macedonia, from Italy to Greece. It didn’t lose its glamour and brightness till nowadays.

In this article we don’t want to speak about mosaic’s history, but about the ways of making one.

Mosaic remained first and foremost a technique used to decorate pavements, floors and walls.

Mosaic tiles can be classified in: marble mosaics, mosaic glass tiles and mosaics limestone. People use also broken glass, pottery and shells. Marble mosaics are used for floors, walls or covering buildings. Mosaic glass tiles are used for their decorative aspects, to bring color and artistic effects. Limestone mosaics have granular and rough texture and unique colors.

When you do a mosaic for floors or walls, first thing is finding the proper space for it. It doesn’t need to be huge, but is important to suit the ambient.

Second, you have to clean the spot, so when you start placing it, the tiles must be at the same level. When you have all the materials and the design, you can start.

There are three ways of making mosaic.

1.The direct method means fixing the tiles of a mosaic and then grouted. This is the ideal way, because you put the tiles face up, so the colored parts become the surface. The inconvenient thing is that you have to work directly at the surface (floor, wall).

There is a modern version of it. This means to work directly onto a fiberglass mesh. The mosaic can be made with the pattern visible on the surface and can be moved. This way is suitable for great works, first, because, made in small pieces onto fiberglass, it’s easy to be shipped and reassembled. And second, you don’t have to work uncomfortable directly onto the place you decide to put the mosaic (wall, floor), but nice and comfortable in your studio.

2.The second method, the indirect one, is advised to whom is more experienced. You have to do it quickly, in order not to let the adhesive to dry. This method is a little bit difficult, because the tiles must be put up side down onto a sheet of paper. When the mosaic is ready, you can place it where you want, after you put the adhesive onto the working surface. You can wash away the paper after that.

3.This is a complex way of making mosaic. It is called the double indirect method, and you can imagine why. First, as in the indirect method, onto the face of tiles is glued paper that can be washed out latter on. But, also, on the other side is glued paper or sticky plastic in order to help you to place it. Here is no need to hurry, but to be careful not damage the mosaic during the installation.

Anyway, you are the only person who can choose the method, the pattern, the right place for it or the colors.

Grouting the mosaic is very important. You have to work fast, not letting it to dry. But remember, let the adhesive drying before grouting. Be sure you covered all spaces. Let it dry for a couple of minutes, and then, with a wet sponge, but smoothly, try to clean it. It will help become moist and easy to spread all over, if there are spaces not covered. Then, with a dry strap, clean it properly. Don’t worry if you dirt it. All the grout onto the surface will become dust and it will come off easily.

Choose the grout color so it suits also the whole mosaic work, but also the rest of the space you decide to place it.

A mosaic will always bring beauty and elegance. It will bring out your personality and your free spirit. Doing it yourself is bracing and rewarding. It will give you the feeling that you did something in this world, even it’s a small thing: a picture, a frame or else.

All you need is patience and love.Once you start doing one, it becomes very addictive. And if you think it’s hard, try again and again and again. In the end, you will be amazed by the results.

Let your imagination free. Maybe you can find other materials to use for making a mosaic, maybe you will start to make your own pattern, who knows?

Mosaic – consider it an adventure, a journey from the first thought till the end – bringing the hard stone to life.

Source by Ana A Cordos