
How Can Paul Mckenna Make Me Thin?

If you are not familiar with one of Britain’s most popular “self help” gurus you can be in for a pleasant surprise. For those who are familiar, you have probably become very comfortable with tapping around your eyes in public with very little regard to those who are watching.

Paul McKenna has assisted many people with overcoming unhealthy vices and personal challenges via the method of hypnosis. Hypnosis? This may sound silly to some, it did to me, but after spending some time watching a recent episode of “I Can Make You Thin” on the TLC Network my opinion was swayed, at least for the time being. The power of the mind seems to be a mystery. Scientists have been studying the brain for hundreds of years and are still finding new developments. Paul McKenna seems to believe by having a stronger mind/body connection you can overcome almost any bad habit. More specifically with weight loss, Paul preaches his 4 rules.

Paul McKenna’s 4 Golden Rules

When you are hungry, eat.

Eat what you want, not what you think you should.

Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.

When you think you are full, stop eating.

The rules listed above seem simple enough, however, if it was that easy the United Stated would not be ranked #9 on the list of top 10 obese countries in the World according to an article at written in 2007. The hypnosis mentioned earlier in this article is not your typical hanging medallion trick. Rather, Paul attempts to help dieters conjure up repulsive images and associate them with a craved food while performing some type of physical action (usually pressing the thumb and middle finger together). The goal in performing this action is to help associate a feeling with an undesirable thought to reduce the intensity of that feeling. I attempted some of the techniques demonstrated during the show but felt a bit uncomfortable when my 6 month old daughter wrinkled her forehead while looking at me in confusion. Next time I’ll wait until I’m alone.

I feel Paul McKenna’s program is so successful because of how unique it is. He has provided a fresh point of view on weight loss. As impressed as I was with “I Can Make You Thin” there is still a part of me that remains a little skeptical, however, the customer feedback Paul has received can not be disregarded. Hypnosis aside, a diet is a diet no matter how you look at it. The biggest challenge in being successful in a diet is how much you believe in it.

Source by Ernesto Martinez