Leveraging Google Traffic With the Hashtag

Valued Reader,

It is impossible to share all the traffic tactics I have discovered in a single post, for now we will take a look at leveraging Google Traffic with the Hashtag. What this ultimately result to when leveraged correctly is Google Page One Exposure. Not Page One Ranking, but Page One Exposure and there is a huge difference between the two.

There are several methods that will result in Google Page One exposure, which is also how you build High Authority Back Links to your site. This in turn boost the Google Ranking of your site, everything online has a purpose, but more importantly a sequence.

By using this same Hashtag tactic and literally pressing a “button”, to see what happens. To my surprise I found my posts with Google+ on the first search result page. You are going to be using the keywords you wish to target as Hashtags, no more that 2 – 3 Hashtags per post. Remember that content is the only magic wand to conversion of any kind.

Targeting the Highest Converting Hashtags

If you would like to know which Hashtags are trending on Twitter, then you need Hashtags Dot Org. Simply log in with your Twitter Credentials, you may also want to Follow Hashtags Dot Org.

You will see the following options; Trending on Twitter, Twitter Terminology, Why Use Hashtags?, What’s The Point?, What is a (#) Hashtag?, How To Start a Hashtag, History of Hashtags, Allowed Hashtag Letters, Hashtag Analytics, Twitter Etiquette 101.

For the purpose of this demonstration you want to click on “Trending on Twitter”. You will the results to the Upward or Downward trending Hashtags, but more importantly the Most Popular Hashtags. Please base your selection of Hashtags not only on your profitable niche, but also the keywords you wish to rank for.

So now you know how to obtain the most popular Hashtags, great. Now what, where and how can you use them to focus on Google? All you will need is your free Google Account.

Once inside your Google+ Profile you will see two options which you want to focus on next. They are “Collections” and “Communities”, which are pretty much like Facebook Pages and Groups. A collection is like having a Page, and the Community will mirror a Group. Just to give you a basic idea of the difference between the two.

Creating a Google Collection

This is done by simply clicking on “Collections”, and then easily create a Collection. But similar to a blog or website, you want your title and content to target all 3 categories of Keywords you wish to target. Short Tail, Long Tail and Anchor Text.

Now your Graphic content is equally important, if not even more so because you wish to attract attention. Colour plays a very important role when it comes to conversion… just a thought. But also you want to share royalty free images, so you don’t step on any toes.

There are several sites that will provide you with high-definition images within just about any niche you can think of. You simply enter “Royalty Free Images” into your web browser, and check out the sites on the search result page. Take your time and find which sites will provide you with exactly what you are looking for based on your profitable niche.

Now a great idea would be creating a collection focusing on something like your blog, so you share your blog content and expertise within the collection. Never share Any Affiliate Links Anywhere on the Internet, a professional post will always present a link to a dedicated domain like a blog or website. Your aim is to get those visitors to your own personal site, and get recognized as a Professional.

Once your collection is created, you are ready to create your first Community too. But don’t post anything yet, we will get to that. For now you just want to create One Collection and One Community, so we can work from there.

Creating a Google Community

Pretty much exactly the same as creating a collection, but bear in mind the similarity to a Facebook Group. Again you must target your keywords in your Community Title.

Once you have successfully created both your sites, it’s now time to add the “Secret Sauce” by adding your first posts. But don’t just flood your profiles with random posts, be objective and target your audience.

While using the Hashtags you selected, you will now need interesting and useful content to populate your Collection and Community. You need to inspire an audience’s curiosity to want to know more, once that happens you will gain followers automatically. And when targeting is done correctly you will gain followers who are actually interested in your content and solutions.

Once you have populated your Collection and Community with keyword rich content and the Hashtag, you also want to share your posts to all your social profiles. Google allows you to share your posts to your Google+ Profile, Facebook and Twitter or even copy the post link should you wish to present it elsewhere.

A Collection and Community is like a sub-domain within Google, so when your posts show up on the first search result to a certain keyword then those visitors are ultimately directed to your blog or website. Remember, always try to share posts with links to your personal domains like blogs and websites, your affiliate offers should be promoted only there.

There is only one other place you should promote cloaked affiliate links and that is to your own email list subscribers, but that is an entire eBook on its own.

Remember that this is a traffic tactic and not a magic button, you need to sacrifice the time to master the sequence. This includes establishing the best dates and times to post that will result in the best conversion. This article is like a structure for you to build from.

Wishing You Prosperity,

Source by Deon Christie