
Unemployed Americans can get a free year of Headspace – TechCrunch

Back in March, Headspace announced that it would offer free content to all COVID-19 frontline responders. Now the meditation app is expanding the offer to include all unemployed people in the U.S.

You can go here to sign up, by entering information on your most recent job, including the employer’s name and the date you were last employed. There’s also a box to tick, verifying that you’re currently unemployed and that you “understand that my eligibility for this offer is conditioned on the accuracy of the information I have provided.” The app is only available to new and existing free users of the service. 

No word on how the company intends to verify that information. Of course, the free-year still applies to plenty of people, regardless. 36.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the past two months. As of April, the unemployment rate was 14.7% — the highest since the Great Depression. It’s all pretty staggering and felt pretty impossible to imagine when I wrote about the “15 day” ban on social gatherings when Headspace announced its first deal.

But here we are. Things are looking pretty damn bleak at the moment, if I’m being honest. Maybe finding a little peace of mind in a mobile app wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

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